Saturday, August 5, 2017


I'm on the 5:00 am wake up schedule now for sure.  I found a great spot for coffee and a good read.  Thanks Blaine awesome so far.

What epic 2,000 mile journey wouldn't include a 40 mile pre-ride?  It made my day to get out there and ride around Seattle with Rick from my 2016 attempt. He rode not only Pacfic Coast but the entire Southern route as well.  Inspirational and a great guy.  We rode along a great bike path, past UW, then along a good potion of Lake Washington and back.

On the ride my brand new tire blew out when I bunnyhopped a railroad crossing. So glad it happened today.  

A mere five mile immediate detour.

Yep, smiling.  You never know what part of an adventure like this will make you laugh.

Orientation, wasn't scary this year, funny how important experience is.  I drew unlucky Bin 5 on the bottom (although it is at least at the back of the trailer where I'll sit and put my shoes on everyday).

Amazing freshly made pasta dinner and alumni trivia night.  Great end to Day 0.

Can wait for the grand depart tomorrow.  I'm already meeting people i feel like i can bond with.  Once again, amazing people carrying amazing stories with them.


  1. Glad you got the blow out over with! Looking forward to seeing your journey unfold. ❤️

  2. I'm officially a Jeff groupy. I'll be following ya and cheering you on. Let's focus on the cycling and not basketball this time. Have a great experience��
