Thursday, August 4, 2016


Everything worked out wonderful traveling to Seattle, albeit an hour late leaving.

My gear arrived safely.  I easily unpacked the bike and reassembled it to make sure Southwest did their part.  

Early Thursday I took a spin to make sure everything was alright.   The bike worked great, but what I learned was that I will have Blackberry juice all over my gloves and handlebar tape before I leave Washington.  

They are everywhere, humongous and incredibly delicious.

My host family (sister) is treating me to some fantastic food.  My niece Megan has been my personal morning chef, oatmeal one morning and homemade scones for next.

And off to orientation.  Throughout orientation we kept getting buzzed by the Blue Angels looping around.  They were doing an air show at Lake Washington for Sea Fair this weekend.  

If you check the website my roommates are Michael and Vince, two good friends.  Michael lost his father to MS and Vince came to support him and has only been biking 4 months, but hiked the Appalachian Trail in 196 days, wow.  He assures us he's got some killer Ramen recipes.

I put in 13,000 steps on my rest day today browsing pike street and playing Pokemon all over downtown Seattle.

Beautiful day.  I can't wait to get on the bike tommorow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that your sister's family is hooking you up with a little TLC before you get started! Those blackberries look pretty good: I haven't seen them around here but you have inspired me to go check our farmer's market later this morning. :) Hope you caught some cool Pokemon in Seattle too! Excited for you to get underway.
