Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 8 - Lincoln City to Florence

I survived the evening without injury so onward I go.  

I have to add a funny story first.  Last night as we setup camp, a local called the police and reported us as a transient camp.  Shortly after another neighbor invited us all in to shower (although I'd already hit the hose shower).

This morning they once again opened up their home for us with breakfast.  They got up at 3 am, cooked 5 pounds of bacon, potatoes and coffee.

The kind woman and her husband insisted it was no big deal, I shared the police story with them, confirming it was a big deal.

The morning began in full rain.

The fog and rain cast some amazing shadows.

Lots of pictures today.  I rode mostly solo and hit nearly every extra detour that i could.

Several lighthouses and bridges on the route today.  Cape Foulweather was a complete white out.

Oh yah and whales.  Zoom in and he/she is there.  They were everywhere.

Quick stop for a double espresso.  Remember the cardboard sign I made so long ago?  This little shop spoke to me.

My ocean view for about half the ride today.

My favorite picture of the day.

Selfie with seal.

I'm a little tired tonight.  We're staying close to the river at a campground.  💤 

Tomorrow's forecast is windy.  Pray for tailwinds. 🙏🏻


  1. Looks like Cape Foulweather lived up to its name! Keep the great pictures coming!

  2. Love your favorite pic: great shot! Now you've made it over the hump it'll all be downhill, I'm sure... at least metaphorically! Keep on pushing and keep taking these great shots. :)

  3. Wicked photos! Love the lighthouses. You are soooo awesome. Glad to hear no injuries. What a wonderful gesture of hospitality. Amazing adventure.
